Over the years, I've developed quite a stash of yarn. My Anti-Knitting Sister claims it can be seen from the moon. I've also developed quite a backlog of "things I'm going to knit some day". So I've decided it's time to do something about it. On 24 January 2012, I am going to set myself a challenge. I am not going to buy any more yarn. I will only knit projects from yarn already in my stash.
Deep breath. I can do this.
When I say, I am not going to buy any more yarn, I really mean I am not going to buy any more yarn, fingers crossed. I am making some exceptions. I am keeping my sock yarn club, because it is Enchanted Knoll Farm, it's organic and it's beautiful. I am allowed to buy yarn to finish a project. If I run out of yarn, I am not going to make a project languish for months until my twelve months is up. That's just stupid. I am allowed to buy yarn to knit to order. Well it could happen! And I am allowed to accept gifts of "re-homed" yarn from other knitters' stashes. Well that could happen too.
So there it is. I've placed my last order of yarn for my birthday project, and then that's it. I CAN do this.
Oh, and why start on 24 January, and not on New Years Day? That's because it is my birthday, and I hope that coping with yarn deprivation will make the impending mid-life crisis seem minor by comparison.
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