Well where do I start with March? In March, I had a long lost relative turn up. The kind of relative you hope stays long lost. The kind of relative who puts the "dys" into "dysfunctional family". The kind of relative you lock your doors against and, if you are a knitter, prepare to sacrifice a set of double pointed needles to use as weapons against. (Not that I ever needed to use them in anger, I just felt better knowing that I had a means of self-defence at hand.)
Somehow, through all the trauma, I managed not to buy yarn. I bought myself a set of Signature Arts double pointed needles, which I am not prepared to sacrifice as weapons. These needles are way too good to waste on long-lost relatives. In fact, these needles look so beautiful all I have done so far is admire their stiletto pointed, 6 inch long, multi-coloured impressiveness.
I also bought myself a copy of Charlotte Schurch's "Mostly Mittens", and somehow resisted the temptation to run out and buy a whole heap of yarn and cast on about twenty million multi-coloured mittens. Probably because the book arrived just as I was taking Maggie cat to the vets. I met the parcel delivery guy in the driveway on our way out, and stuffed the book into my bag. It came in handy, because we were a little delayed going into our appointment and I got to read it to her while we waited. And I showed her the pictures too. Maggie let out a little "Ow!" at her favourite pictures. (We're still working on the "meow" bit). So I've made a note of Maggie's favourite mittens, but will have a look around my stash when the urge to knit a pair gets overwhelming.
So it's good to know that I have unlearned my main response to crisis and chaos, which was "stuff it down with new wool".